Saturday, January 26, 2013

I have never missed a inanimate object so much!

I am so excited my Mac is fixed!!!  I am so happy to have it back!! I have missed everything about it.  So here are some cute videos of my divas!  The first video is Liv.  I decided to watch one of the step up movies one morning and apparently Liv thinks she belongs in the movie with her moves.  The second video is Aria laughing at Nate. 

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Waiting for my Mac to be fixed!

Finally orders the part to fix my computer so I can post some holiday pics.  Unfortunately we were all sick.  So I didn't take all  the pictures I wanted to.
The girls are now almost fully walking!!!! It's a whole new wobbly world!  I am happy for this new stage but also sad...They are getting so big!  The "baby" bug is starting to unleash in me.  I know it would make sense to wait until the girls are at least 3 incase we get twins again but I have waiting and being patient!  So for now we shelf the topic because we know it is best. 

Saturday, January 12, 2013

Broken Mac:(

A few days before Christmas my laptop stopped working.  I think it is my keyboard so I am just waiting for the part.  My husband was nice enough to bring his work laptop home for me this weekend so I could get some stuff done including blogging.  I logged onto blogger and have to congratulate a blogger friend.. they just adopted a beautiful baby boy!  I am sooo happy for them!
In Aria and Olivia news... We are walking!!!!  It is the cutest thing!  I will post videos when I get my laptop back.  They are so proud of themselves.
I also decide I didn't have enough to deal with and took on a 10 month old 5 days a week!  It is actuallly not that much more work.  Aria is having a little trouble with it and seems to be very territorial of me when he is here but over all it's going well.
We were all sick over Christmas and new years but as soon as i get my laptop fixed I will post some photos of the holidays.
I guess thats all for now!