Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Wordless Wednesday! Haven't done it in a while







Tuesday, January 24, 2012

So little time!

I  have never been so busy in my life!! Between taking care of the girls and taking care of the house I never have time to get everything done.  However I LOVE LOVE LOVE being a stay at home mom!
Anyway, we went to the doctors today and Aria is a huge 9lbs 2oz.  She is growing well and really strong.  She has great neck and head control and is smiling all the time.  Then we got to my little Livy lou.  She has gained weight, she is 7lbs 3oz. The doctor is pleased she has gained but it is not enough.  She was in the 1.89%tile for weight a week and a half ago and today she is in the 1.06%tile.  So they scheduled an ultrasound for Thursday to take a look at her stomach.  So I am hoping we can figure out whats going on.    Livy is just starting to really interact and smile.  Her head and neck control isn't as strong as her sister but that is normal in twins.  Things are better in terms of the endless crying, the girls have been on Zantec for awhile and that seems to be helping things.  We still have our hard days but I am learning everyday how to be not only a mom but a twin mom.  I am loving every minute of it!  That is about all the time I have now for an update.  I am going to try to be better at updating.

Saturday, January 7, 2012

One Month Photo's

My sister in law took some great one month photos of the girls!

Busy past couple of weeks!

What a whirl wind of activities the past couple of weeks.  The girls have had a lot of first.  We went to Christmas at my moms and we all spent the night.  The girls have also been to 2 restaurants, a museum and a different state. We also had Nate's sister and family come to stay with us for the week after Christmas.  It was awesome to have all my meals prepared for me and served as well as 2 nights baby free.  It was nice having a night to myself but also knowing my girls were just in the living room.
This past week was the first week Nate went back to work.  Thank god I had a lot of help.  On Friday I decided to try to handle the girls by myself.  It wasn't bad, but they were unusual nonfussy so I don't know if it was just a fluke or they knew I was by myself and cut me a break.  We also had a doctors appointment yesterday and found out the girls have reflux which is half their fussiness problem.  We also found that Aria is growing great but Livy seems to have slowed down the growing.  She is only 1.89% for weight so we need to go back next week and keep an eye on her.  So this update is about all I have time for at the minute.  I can't believe the girls are already 5 weeks!  Time is flying by!