Monday, June 27, 2011

1/2 the piece of the puzzle!

Today started out like most days...crampy!  Then the cramps turned into pain so I called my doctor and they wanted me to go see them.  I was working in Tilton so it would have taken me an hour and a half to get down to Dover so they had me go to the nearest ER to rule out preterm labor!  Thank God it wasn't preterm labor.  I just really overstressed my uterus due to a rough day at work yesterday.  I didn't expect and ultrasound so when they said I would be getting one I was happy!  I am slightly addicted to ultrasounds!  Any chance to see the babies is exciting!  When we started the ultrasonographer said she knew what gender Baby A was but Baby B was not a cooperative!  We tried everything to get him/her to move....nothing!  So I have half the puzzle solved.


BABY A!!!!!! This is a greeting card but I feel it fits my little diva...This link brings you to the card and you can scroll over the words to actually read them

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Wordless Wednsday: Can't wait to buy these cute onsies!

Sorry I haven't done wordless Wednsday in awhile!

Monday, June 13, 2011

Second Trimester!

Nursery I Love!
Baby A just relaxing

Both babies, Baby B is very blurry

Baby B getting ready to suck its thumb
I have finally entered the second trimester.  Some pregnancy books say 12 weeks is the end of the first and some say 13 is, so I am taking the latest so I know I defiantly made it!  With entering the second trimester I have been thinking a lot more about nursery ideas and I came across a picture I absolutely love!!  I figure if it is a girl and a boy maybe I can do this on one side of the nursery and on the other side do a boys version of the tree like a blue or green background and white flowers.  The walls that do not have a tree can be a neutral color.  Everyone except for a few people think I am having a boy and a girl and I have even had dreams about a boy and a girl.  So with that feeling I am having the hardest time finding boy/girl nursery ideas.  If it's 2 girls well for me that is easy.  2 boys will be a little more difficult for me since I can't really do pink! So I am hoping we can find out the genders soon! 

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Life can throw you for a loop!

Wow I have been really busy lately.  Nate and I are making some major life decisions right now and although we are not ready to share the details, I can tell you I am working through some major stress.  I have been resting alot in hopes the stress doesn't affect the babies!  What I can say is we have decided to put our house on the market this week.  Where we go after that is still up in the air but we know if I want to work less or not at all when the babies come we need to do something different.  So this past week has been spent getting the house ready as well as the outside ready for selling.  Nate spent 3 days last weekend re mulching the garden areas and we have been decluttering the house and I am exhausted and we still are not done.  We hope to finish up today with cleaning the basement which I am so not looking forward to! I am really having a hard time thinking of selling this house.  I LOVE this house but I need to remember it is just a building!  It is not worth staying here for me to work 40 plus hours a week and miss seeing my children!  Plus add in the cost of daycare for 2, I would be working so someone else could spend time with my kids and that upsets me so I need to get over the house thing.  Trying to everything together and being pregnant with twins is a whole new experience!  I am hoping we can wrap everything up and move before the babies are born because I think it would be a lot harder to move with 2 newborns.  Plus I want to be settled somewhere to get the nursery ready and nest.  Now that I will be 13 weeks tomorrow I am now looking towards when the babies are actually here!  I just hope everything falls into place and it all works out.