Sunday, November 18, 2012

Must Have's List 6-12 Months!

Well now that we are practically toddlers (insert tear here).  It is time for the Aria and Olivia must haves from 6-12 months!  I can't believe I am doing this blog now, seem like I just did birth to 6 months!!!  TIME FLYS! (insert another tear!).  I did find they need surprisingly less.  SO what made the list this time??!!

1.  Toys Toys Toys!!!-  Musical, interactive light up toys!  My girls also like Tupperware and wooden spoons but throw in a light up musical toy...they run for it!  I also found keeping toys in different places was a good idea.  They have toys in their room, the living room and some in the dining room.  I feel it holds their tiny attention spans better.
2.  Food catching bibs- Not the cloth kind...I find those completely useless.  The plastic kind.  They work AMAZING at restaurants!  My girls only like the soft plastic ones not the hard plastic.
3.Grippy Socks-  A MUST especially if you have hard wood floors.  My girls are not walking yet but they cruise holding on to furniture and we need those grippys!!!!!

4. Gate With Door-  Our friend lent us her baby gate with a swing door!  We LOVE it!!  I put it between the dining room and kitchen.  They girls can stand up holding on to it while I am in the kitchen. I don't like them in the kitchen a lot because who knows what gets on the floor through out the day and they are always underfoot!

5. Crock Pot-  This isn't so much a baby item but it makes the must have list!  I use my crock pot about 4 -6 times a week!  I put everything together during the girls morning nap and thats it!!!!  Sometimes I make sides around dinner time depending on what I am making but it amazing how easy it is to get dinner done!!!  I also don't worry about defrosting or thawing...I throw frozen meat in and have never had a problem. 

6. Good Sippy Cups- We have tried a lot of sippy cups and so far Playtex seems to be winning.  The nuby and muchkin ones seem to give the girls a hard time or they just don't get how to use them.  They will drink out of them and the water would just pour out of their mouth.  I am not sure if the nipple is to big and they can't shut their mouth and swallow in time or what but all I  get is a BIG mess.  The Playtex seem to just work better for them. 
That's all I can think of for now.  I am sure like last time their will be a part 2.  Hopefully this is helpful for soon to be new moms.  Off to throw dinner in the crock pot:)

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