Wednesday, October 26, 2011

We have an official date!

It has been really busy around here lately.  We finally moved and now we are just getting unpacked and settled.  We have been so lucky to have such great friends to help us!  I haven't done much but tell people where things go and even had my friends 4 year old daughter telling on me anytime I tried to get up and move anything.  The nursery is almost done and as soon as it is I will post pictures.  The view is amazing and I sit in the same spot on my couch and I made sure I could see the lake from "my seat". 
We also had a little scare last Thursday.  I took a nap and woke up around 1:30pm and started having contractions which is normal for me.  By 5pm They hadn't let up so I started timing them.  They got to be 8 min apart and started moving to my back so around 8pm I called.  They wanted me to come in and on the car ride to the hospital they got to be 4 min apart.  They got me on the monitors which the girls didn't like and kept kicking off the toco's.  Sure enough I was having contractions so they checked me and thank god nothing else was happening.  They asked me what I had done that week and I told them.  They said my body was finally starting to relax after a very stressful 2 weeks and that's why I was contracting more than usual.  I am glad they are still cooking but I was very nervous heading to the hospital. 
 I had my doctors appointment today and we decided to go ahead and schedule a C-Section.  So our "official" date is December 1, 2011.  I have another ultrasound November 7th and if Aria is still breech then that is the day.  I know she still breech now because I can feel her head on my side.  My doctor said he thinks the girls will give me trouble in the next 4 and half weeks but they will be stubborn and stay in until December 1st.  As long as they are healthy I am fine with 38 and half weeks although I was wishing for 37 weeks because that is full term for twins, but I don't want to be in the hospital for Thanksgiving.  4 and half weeks seems soooo long especially since I am very uncomfortable and measuring 42 weeks.  At least I have an end date and if they do stay in until Dec 1st it will be weird to know that when I wake up that day my life will change forever!  I wonder if they can give me something to sleep the night before because it will be worse than a kid on Christmas eve and I think I will need a good night sleep for the last time for a loooong time!

A few photos from my shower...

The awesome cake Abby made me

Sara's house 

One of the diaper cakes Leasa made me

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