Saturday, June 16, 2012

6 month survival kit part 2

I knew I would forget some thing so here is some more...
1. A crib activity of some sort....not a crib soother but a toy that is engaging.  Liv wakes up before 7 and Aria like to sleep longer as do I.  My friend Abby brought over this Lamaze giraffe and I hooked it to Liv crib since she rolls over really well and I knew it wouldn't be a hazard.  Since doing that when she wakes up in the morning she will spend at least 30 to and hour playing with it!!!  It is AMAZING!   Obviously this is more geared towards 5 and 6 months olds.
2. Baby Bjorn-  Amazing carrier!  We borrowed one from my cousin and a friend let us use their carrier which was a different brand...infantino I think.  The Baby Bjorn was more comfortable for me and the girls and sturdier.  I can also put it on and strap in a kid by myself and I couldn't do that with the other brand.  We ended up getting another Bjorn.
3. Net feeder-  You can put fruit or frozen things in this net and babies can chew or suck on it without the danger of choking.  The girls love them.  It provides at least a half hour of entertainment! This is also for 5-6 month olds.

That is all for now.  Here are some pics of the net feeder!

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