Her friend is struggling with one of my worst nightmares!
I have been part of a group of twin moms who's babies were all born in December since I found out we were expecting 2 bundles. One of my friends in this group is dealing with the unthinkable. Talk to everyone caring for your children, if they are reaching their boiling point ask then to walk away, hand off the child and get a hold of their emotions. Not only is she watching her son fight the battle of his young life but she knows that all this was at the hands of her overwhelmed husband who has now been arrested. I ask that all of you pray for them, send them good vibes, or do whatever it is you do when someone is in a time of need. HUG YOUR CHILDREN - OFTEN.
I don't know the situation surrounding the husband but my pedi said most people that shake babies are not bad, abusive people. They are sleep deprived people that don't know how to remove themselves from a situation. I am not saying the father has an excuse but this poor woman's world has been turned upside down. Her baby is fighting for his life, her husband betrayed her in the worst possible way and she has another infant at home she needs to somehow care for in the midst of all of this! I am praying for this little baby, the mom and the dad. This story breaks my heart and I pray I will never have to experience anything like this.
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