Tuesday, April 26, 2011

2cd Ultrasound

I had my second ultrasound this morning.  It went really well both babies are right at 7 weeks which I just hit today!  Their heartbeats are still really strong!  No blood in the uterus which makes me happy, but beg the question where is the spotting coming from!  Dr. Hill told me as long as it is not in the uterus then don't worry.  He is letting me stop the progesterone shots and switch to vaginal suppositories (yuck!).  He wants to see me back in 2 weeks for another ultrasound.  2 Weeks seems so long!!!!  It is amazing how much they have grown in just 5 days!  He also told me to make an appointment with my OB!  I am almost a fertility clinic graduate!  I actually went online and put some maternity clothes in a shopping bag.  I haven't purchased them yet because I am still nervous.  Although Dr. Hill is not worried at all.  I going to need the stuff soon because over the weekend I defiantly am sporting a little bump.  Dr. hill said he expected that and I will need to switch to maternity clothes before I am out of my 1st trimester with twins!  We have very fun memorial day plans that include a pontoon boat with my cousin and her family so I will need some swim wear by then.  Also this week is National Infertility Awareness Week!  I pray for all the woman that are doing some kind of treatment that they all get a BFP!!!


  1. So happy for you! You will just love suppositories...lol!

  2. Thanks...I am praying you get great new tomorrow!!!!!! I will be thinking about you guys all day!
