Tuesday, March 29, 2011


Well things have changed a little here.  Yesterday I had a bout of nausea.  After that no symptoms.  Just a very sore backside from the progesterone in oil.  Like really sore.  Then I woke up at 6am this morning and felt like I am not pregnant and was trying to think of ways to get enough money to do IVF again in a few months.  Then a while later Nate got up and went to shower.  He came back in and got his clothes and the whole room smelled like a floral sent. I asked him what he used and he said same thing I do every morning.  We have giant bottles of shampoo and conditioner that is flowery.  I have never smell it when he has come into get his clothes and he has been doing that for 7 years.  So is it a sign that my nose is more sensitive or am I trying to hard to feel something.  Oh and something really weird happened this morning....this might be TMI, but I fell back asleep and had an interesting dream which seemed really real and quite the erotic dream.  I woke up feeling like it was really real!  I don't know what that means?  So I have no idea at this point how I feel.  Right this second I feel nothing.


  1. Don't read too much into not feeling anything. It's so early, and you have a whole nine months to feel symptoms. Just relax, breathe and look forward to good news on April 8th :-)

  2. Also, Nate smelled differently than he usually does because today was the first day he has ever used soap. He's pretty excited about it.
